Gender Pay Gap 2021

Creamline Dairies Ltd

Gender Pay Gap 2021


Under legislation, private sector and voluntary sector organisations in England, Scotland and Wales who employ 250 or more employees have the responsibility to publish information on their gender pay and gender bonus gaps as they are on the 5th April each year.

There are six key metrics that are necessary under the rules of gender pay gap reporting. These are:-

the difference in the mean pay of full-pay men and women, expressed as a percentage;

the difference in the median pay of full-pay men and women, expressed as a percentage;

the difference in mean bonus pay of men and women, expressed as a percentage;

the difference in median bonus pay of men and women, expressed as a percentage;

the proportion of men and women who received bonus pay; and

the proportion of full-pay men and women in each of four quartile pay bands.

All figures calculated have been reached using the mechanisms that are set out in the gender pay gap reporting legislation.

Mean Gender Pay Gap

Median Gender Pay Gap

Mean Bonus Gender Pay Gap

Median Bonus Gender Pay Gap

Proportion of males & females receiving a bonus payment

Male        71.4%

Female    21.2%

The proportion of males and females in each quartile band

Quartile splits
Lower Quartile76.2%23.8%
Lower Middle Quartile89.1%10.9%
Upper Middle Quartile96.9%3.1%
Upper Quartile95.3%4.7%

Creamline takes a most serious view of equal opportunities and wholeheartedly supports the principle of equal opportunities in employment and opposes all forms of unlawful or unfair discrimination. The Company believes it is in their best interests, and those that work in it, to ensure that the human resources, talents and skills available throughout the community are considered when employment opportunities arise. To this end, within the framework of the law, the Company is committed, wherever practicable to achieving and maintaining a workforce which broadly reflects the local environment in which it operates.