Jon Ryan

Jon Ryan

Jon fills us in on life at Creamline, from delivering milk to presenting the school roadshows – no two days are the same!

Jon, how did you end up joining the Creamline team?

I’ve been working for Creamline for around 33 years now! I started when I was very young, helping to deliver on milk rounds.

And what does a typical day look like for you these days?

In two words – very varied! I’m familiar with lots of different parts of the business – one day I could be out on delivery, another day I could be in the office completing admin, another day could be spent in the warehouse on stock control. I also head up the school roadshows.

What does your role involve at the roadshows?

I visit schools and host presentations, which include showing children our special Creamline video and Q&As. We’re helping children understand how our milk gets from the field to the breakfast table. The question and answer sessions are always entertaining – kids really will ask whatever comes into their head! The best question I was asked was, ‘how do the cows make the grass into milk?’ My answer – ‘it’s just magic!’

What do you like best about doing the roadshows?

Without a doubt, the best part of doing the roadshows is the smiling faces. The fun and enjoyment that the kids have is so great to see. There are no wrong answers – it’s all about the fun factor!

What are the biggest changes that you’ve seen at Creamline over the years?

Personally, the changes in my own role have been the most significant. And after working at Creamline for so long, there have been many! From starting out as a milkman doing shop rounds, to looking after the depot and supervising, life at Creamline has really transformed over my 33 years here.

What are the most difficult parts of the job?

I would have to say that the toughest parts of the job are the early mornings – I’m sometimes needed to pitch in on rounds if a member of the team is sick, and the cold and rain first thing can be a struggle! On the other hand, when you’re out and about in summer with the birds singing and the sun shining, it’s the best job in the world.

And what would you say are the best parts of the job?

The way that Creamline is going forward and expanding. We now have something for everyone, for example with our Best of Local range. We’re offering lovely fresh produce from local suppliers, putting more products on people’s doorsteps – even if you’re not a milk-lover!

One final question - do you have a favourite product?

I’m a huge fan of our yogurts – and now we have the farmhouse yogurts as part of our Best of Local range!