Fun and educational resources for kids and parents this World School Milk Day

Fun and educational resources for kids and parents this World School Milk Day

World School Milk Day (27th September) is always one of our favourite dates in the calendar. It’s a chance to highlight the importance of drinking milk at school to children and why dairy is great for growing kids. This year, we’re sharing some of our resources to help your kids learn where dairy comes from (including some fun printable posters and games), and the benefits of milk.


Fun resources for kids

Educating your kid’s on where milk comes from is easier when it’s fun! That’s our video with Myrtle the talking cow (yes, talking!), farmer Tom and Channel 5’s beloved Milkshake presenter, Olivia Birchenough, is still an engaging way to tell your kids all about how milk makes it from the farm to your breakfast table.

Bring out the crayons! Our series of posters and games for kids are perfecting for having fun while learning about the cows and farmers who make the milk they drink at school every day. Visit our kid’s corner page to download and print out our colouring in, dot to dot and wordsearch posters. Your kids will love colouring in the farmer and his cow and fresh vegetables.


Throwback to our school roadshows

Some years back, our milk floats made the rounds to primary schools across Greater Manchester with our ‘Meet the Milkman’ presentation. Our mission was to help children understand the origins of fresh Creamline milk and the partnerships we have with local farmers.

One of the highlights of these school visits was the special Creamline clip we mentioned above, featuring Channel 5 presenter, Olivia Birchenough, farmer Tom and Myrtle the cow. This engaging video gave kids a captivating glimpse into the life of farmer Tom and his cows. If your child missed out on the fun, fear not! You can catch up on all the excitement on our kid’s corner page.

The clip was a resounding hit with the pupils (unsurprisingly thanks to Myrtle’s cameo!) – but the excitement didn’t end there! We also handed out free mini milk bottles to the class, allowing the kids to taste the freshness of local Creamline milk firsthand.

On our roadshows the following year, we focused on the importance and vegetables in a balanced diet, with another fun education video. Catch up Tommy Tomato and the rest of the crew by watching the video here.

Creating healthy school lunchboxes your kids will love is something Dairy UK is focusing on for World School Milk Day this year. They’ve put together a fab weekly meal plan with a different theme each day, from vegetarian to chicken and fish. It’s super simple, healthy, and good value for money. Take a look at their weekly meal plan by clicking here and explore our Daily Essentials and Best of Local ranges for wholesome, locally sourced ingredients – and enjoy free delivery to your doorstep on your chosen day.


 Benefits of milk for growing kids

Beyond the fun and excitement of talking cows, colouring in posters and school roadshows, it’s important to recognise the vital role milk plays in your child’s life. Dairy is a nutritional powerhouse that supports healthy development in growing kids, here’s why…

Bone health: Milk is a rich source of calcium and supports healthy bones and growth. A carton of school milk provides a 4–6-year-old with 52% of their recommended calcium intake and a child aged 7-10 42% of their recommended calcium intake.

Protein for growth: dairy is a complete protein source, providing children with amino acids necessary for muscle growth and repair. It’s particularly important during growth spurts. One 189ml carton of school milk provides 7–10-year-olds with 24% of their recommended protein intake.

Vitamins and minerals: Milk is packed with essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin D, which aids calcium absorption, and phosphorus, important for energy.

Hydration: Bundles of energy, children are often more active than adults, and milk provides a great source of hydration – it’s especially beneficial for after school activities.


From packing lots of protein to supporting bone health, milk does plenty to keep your kid’s fit and health. So, this World School Milk Day, let’s celebrate! From farm to doorstep to school, milk provides a link to our local farming community and is a symbol of the wholesome goodness dairy brings. For us, every day is a milk day!

Happy World School Milk Day from the Creamline family! 

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