Getting Greener: Stop Food Waste Day
Today marks Stop Food Waste Day, an
event all about spreading awareness of food wastage around the world. Around 33% of food produced
globally is lost or wasted every year, so we’re focusing this week’s blog on
helping you be greener when it comes to your grub.
Planning ahead
This is one of the easiest ways to
avoid food waste! Make a list at the start of each week and plan your meals
across the next few days, including how you will use the food and what to do
with the leftovers. Check the fridge and cupboards before you shop too – making
sure you don’t double up and use anything that needs to be used before it
Planning out your meals is a great
way to make sure you eat well and avoid any last-minute panic buys too –
perfect if you’re on a budget!
Batch cook…
…And learn to love your freezer! A
quiet weekend is a great opportunity to use up any ingredients that are nearing
their expiry. Then simply portion out and freeze for future lunches and
dinners! You can freeze most things, including bread, vegetables, fruit and
Some batch cooking recipe ideas
include Bolognese, chilli, hotpot and stew – head to the BBC Good
Food website for some more delicious ideas on batch recipes.
Try our service!
With Creamline you can be sure of a
flexible, simple service. Your next-day delivery orders can be tailored until
5pm for Best of Local and 9pm for Daily Essentials, meaning that items can be
added or dropped as needed.
Don’t forget too that with our
local produce, you’ll be helping to cut down on food miles – another culprit
when it comes to food wastage!
Keen to give our service a try?
Head here to join