Have you tried our udderly amazing organic milk?
Did you know that we produce our very own lineup of Creamline
organic milk? If you’re looking to introduce more organic produce into your
life this year, trying our range of organic milks
is the perfect way to start, and it’s available whole, skimmed and
semi-skimmed. Like your regular milk, it’s delivered to your doorstep by our
milkmen in cheerful, eco-friendly glass bottles. Find out more about our
deliciously fresh organic milk in this blog…
Happy cows
While all our milk is sourced from farmers and producers who
farm to a high level of animal husbandry, operating to the “Farm Assured”
standard, our organic milk farmers are also part of the Organic Milk Suppliers
Cooperative (OMSCo).
OMSCo farms ensure the highest possible standard of dairy
farming and animal welfare in the UK. These cows graze happily on lush, green
pastures free from pesticides and herbicides for as much of the year as
possible. Helping their cows to produce the best quality milk and live a long,
healthy life, these farmers ensure their cows eat a minimum of 60% forage in
their diets in line with organic standards, which comes from mainly fresh,
dried or fermented grasses. The end product is top quality milk that tastes
deliciously fresh on cereal, in your tea or coffee, or simply by the glass.
Nature’s goodness – with a splash of tradition
Choosing organic milk means bringing plenty of natural
goodness into your family’s fridge. There are also some other perks thanks to
our traditional delivery doorstep service:
Eco-friendly from start to finish: Like many of our
milks, our organic milks are a nod to the good old days of pint-sized glass-bottled
milk! Once you’re finished with your empties, simply rinse and leave them out
for your milkman and we’ll reuse them up to 40 times before they’re recycled.
With glass being a 100% recyclable material, you can do your bit to reduce
plastic waste.
Convenience at the tap of the button: Our doorstep
deliveries brings back the traditional milkman with a modern twist. Busy supermarkets
can moo-ve over - it couldn’t be easier to top up on organic milk to
your doorstep whenever you need it at the tap of a button here.
Pick your organic milk
Ready to taste the Creamline difference? Explore our full range of organic milks that are ready to be delivered to your doorstep: