New recipe: summery lime and asparagus risotto

New recipe: summery lime and asparagus risotto

Ah, summer evenings – the perfect time for family gatherings and delicious dishes that bring everyone together. We love risotto on these kinds of nights as it’s relatively straightforward to cook yet can be taken to another level with a twist of interesting ingredients like lime zest and Greek yogurt - a nice summery substitute for the usual cream used in risotto. This delightful lime asparagus risotto recipe is sure to become a family favourite in no time and we’ve got some top tips at the bottom for cooking it to perfection.

This recipe is best enjoyed fresh for maximum flavour and any leftovers can be stored in the fridge for enjoying the next day. Explore our Best of Local range to stock up on the freshest local ingredients for this recipe, with convenient delivery to your doorstep.


Ingredients – serves four

100g butter

2 white onions, finely chopped

6 garlic cloves, crushed

360g risotto rice

2 vegetable stock pots

Zest and juice 1/2 lime

200ml dry white wine

60g parmesan

4 tbsp Greek yogurt

2 bunches asparagus, chopped into 2-inch pieces

½ tsp dried rosemary

½ tsp dried oregano

½ tsp thyme

Bunch of fresh basil



Step 1

In a deep, heavy-based saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and sauté gentle until it becomes softened, which should take around 8 minutes. Next, add the minced garlic and stir for 1 minute until fragrant. Introduce the rice to the pan, ensuring it gets coated with the buttery onions and garlic. Continue stirring for 1-2 minutes until it’s slightly toasted. Once toasted, add the wine and let it evaporate for extra flavour.


Step 2

Prepare 1 litre of boiling water and dissolve the stock pots in it. Keep the stock simmering and hot in a pan throughout the whole cooking process. Take a ladle of the prepared stock and add it to the rice along with lime juice and the dried herbs (rosemary, oregano, thyme). Allow the mixture to bubble over medium heat while stirring consistently. Once the previous ladle is almost completely absorbed, add another ladle of stock and continue stirring. Now, include the asparagus and continue adding the stock gradually, stirring occasionally, until the rice achieves a tender and creamy texture.


Step 3

Once the rice is cooked to your desired consistency, add some salt, pepper and lime zest, parmesan and Greek yogurt to the mixture. Stir everything together until well combined and present with fresh basil and lime wedges.


Top tips

Risotto is pretty straightforward but when it comes to crafting the perfect dish, attention to detail is key. Follow these tips to elevate your culinary skills and ensure your risotto turns out creamy and flavourful:

Mind the stock temperature: Avoid adding cold stock to the hot pan of risotto as it can disrupt the cooking process. Instead, keep your stock gently simmering in a separate pan, ensuring it stays hot and cooks the risotto evenly

Stir with purpose: Stirring is essential for achieving that signature creaminess but be mindful not to overdo it. Constant stirring can add air, cooling down the risotto and causing it to become gluey. Find the right balance between stirring often and allowing moments of rest.

Gradually add stock: Pouring too much stock at once is a no-go. To create the luscious creaminess you want, add the stock gradually, allowing the rice grains to release starch.

Don’t overcook: Like pasta, risotto should be al dente, with a slight bite to it. If your risotto is too mushy, you’ve gone too far. It should have a perfect balance of texture and creaminess, not resemble rice pudding!

Choose the right pan: Opt for a pan that fits just right over your burner. A too wide pan can leave to uneven cooking, with some parts of the rice not getting the chance to release starch properly.

Moderate heat is key: While risotto is a slow-cooking delight, don’t go too low with the heat. A medium simmer throughout the cooking process ensures your rice gets cooked to perfection. Many Italian cooks will tell you that risotto should take no more than 18 to 19 minutes from start to finish!

Fresh is best: For a risotto that bursts with flavour, use only the freshest ingredients. Opt for crisp vegetables, high-quality stock and juicy limes to elevate your risotto to a whole new level of deliciousness. Explore our Best of Local range to get the freshest ingredients delivered to your doorstep for ultimate convenience.


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