School’s out! 3 kid-friendly culinary creations for the summer holidays

School’s out! 3 kid-friendly culinary creations for the summer holidays

Are you ready for the summer holidays? If that’s not a resounding yes, you’re not alone – it can be challenging to find activities to keep your kids entertained all summer long. And with a not-so-sunny-and-hot weather forecast coming up over the next two weeks, it can be even more difficult when you’re stuck indoors. Luckily, we’re here to help on those soggy Manchester days. Read on to discover some delightful kid-friendly culinary creations that’ll engage your little ones this summer.


DIY Pizzas

Get ready to unleash your creativity (and some mess on your kitchen countertops!) with our DIY pizza kits. Fresh from the deli, our Dough It Yourself pizza making kits lets your kids take charge of making their very own pizzas from scratch, with Romana, Vesuvio and Diablo sauces to choose from.

Our greengrocer range also offers an array of fresh veggies to pile on the pizza. When it comes to topping the pizza, the more inventive the better – think tomatoes for eyes, a mushroom for a button nose and a slice of pepper for the mouth. Getting in their five-a-day has never been more fun!


Perfect pancakes

Pancakes aren’t just reserved for Shrove Tuesday - they’re perfect for whipping up over the school holidays and a fab breakfast option that kids absolutely love. Let your little ones get involved in the mixing process, and with your supervision, even try their hand at flipping pancakes (let’s just hope they avoid the ceiling!). Our banana pancakes recipe is the perfect starting point, and you can up the nutritional value by adding healthy toppings such as fresh fruit and yogurt. 


Traffic light chicken shish kebabs

Ready, set, go! Spark some summer excitement with these scrumptious chicken and pepper shish kebabs from BBC Good Food. This delightful recipe is a feast for the senses – both visually and for your taste buds, with a traffic light of red, yellow and green skewered peppers.

The chicken brings the flavour so make sure they’re marinated in plenty of time. Our tender free range chicken fillets are perfect for marinating in a flavourful blend of herbs and spices before you skewer them alongside the peppers – grab a red, yellow and green, handpicked from local markets and available from our Best of Local range. Grill them to perfection until they’re charred. Offer some chillies or chilli sauce on the side for those who like spice and serve with flatbread.

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