Eat your way to a greener lifestyle

Eat your way to a greener lifestyle

With more and more people making the switch from plastic to glass milk bottles and opting for recyclable alternatives, sustainable options are certainly on the up! But how about what we put on our plates? There are lots of ways to eat more sustainably, from the type of food we eat to where we get it from.

Read on for our top tips when it comes to eating your way to a greener lifestyle…

Eat a variety of food

It’s easy to stick to the same old faithful meals when you’re having a busy week – but with a little planning ahead, choosing a more colourful, varied plate will help you avoid buying too much of one thing. Why not take inspiration from our Greengrocer range?

Waste less

Around 33% of food produced globally is wasted or lost each year. By meal-planning, batch cooking and buying as and when you need, it’s easy to cut down on this. Have a read of the blog we wrote last year for Stop Food Waste Day for more handy tips!

Buy locally!

It may be obvious, but buying local cuts down on food miles and supports businesses near you. It’s easy-peasy with our Best of Local section – we’ve done the hard work for you! Some argue that online shopping also helps to reduce carbon emissions by eliminating short car journeys – and since many of our milk floats are electric, it’s a win-win!

Ready to get stuck in? Remember that we offer free delivery on all our orders, so you can add fresh, deliciously healthy produce to your basket whenever you need it.

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